Flying School Instructors
Reed Novisoff – CFI, CFII, MEI

I have been in General Aviation for 53 years at Long Beach Airport and I hold an Airline transport Pilot Certificate with Single, Multi-engine, and Jet Ratings.
I have held a Flight Instructor Certificate for 50 years with a stellar first-time pass rate. After teaching for 4 years I started a very successful Flight School. I have enjoyed 33 years as an FAA Pilot Examiner administering Private thru Flight Instructor Practical tests. I am also the recipient of the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. I know what it takes to make you a very safe pilot and get through the test with ease.
I am available for free consultations on training requirements, costs, and to answer all of your questions, simply contact me at your convenience. You can reach me at 562-533-0856, or [email protected]
I would like to introduce you to my experienced staff of instructors…
Monty Groutage

Monty has over 33 years in General Aviation, over 15,000 hours of instruction given and 17,000 total flight hours. He has sent over 160 students on their Flight Tests and have a 93% pass rate the first time. Monty is a Gold Seal Instructor. Formerly a Chief Flight Instructor of a large Part 141 School, Monty specializes in Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor students. Monty enjoys boating and working on his mountain cabin.
Peter Engler

Peter has held a Flight Instructor Certificate for over 50 years and has been actively teaching with me since then. Peter is a former Masonry Contractor and Building Inspector who now instructs full time. Peter has sent numerous of students for their Flight Test and has enjoyed an excellent pass rate. Peter teaches Beginning and Commercial Pilot students. Pete enjoys raquetball and spending time with his family.
Joy Merino

Joy is currently teaching full-time Private through Flight Instructor including Multi-engine. She aspires to one day become an FAA Pilot Examiner. Joy intends to remain in General Aviation in one form or another. Joy inspires people around the world to pursue their dreams, especially women! Anything is possible. She is fluent in English and Spanish!
Mark Fabrizio

Mark is a Commercial Pilot with an Instrument Rating. He is a Ground Instructor currently working on becoming a Flight Instructor. Mark assists the Flight Instructor staff by teaching the knowledge items to their students in preparation for the knowledge and Flight Tests. Mark has received all of his training from me.
Jeff Timko

Jeff has been in General for several years and has enjoyed teaching so much that he went out and bought his own airplane to fly in his spare time. He teaches Student, Private, Commercial, and Instrument pilots.