Flight Training Costs

 60 hours in a Cessna 172 based on $140.00 per hour – $8,400.00

The Cessna 172 holds up to 4 people, so you can bring a friend along on your training flights!

Flight Instructor time includes:

Preflight Briefings, Flight Instruction and Post Flight Critique.

70 Hours x $75.00 per hour based on time spent not time scheduled. – $5,200.00

FAA minimum hour requirements per CFR Title 14, Part 61.109 are as follows:

  • 40 Hours total Flight Time
  • 20 hours Flight Training with an Instructor (CFI) to include 3 hours Simulated Instrument, 3 hours Cross Country, 3 hours Test Preparation, 3 hours Night to include a 100nm cross country with 10 landings.
  • Minimum of 10 hours of Solo Flight Time to include 5 hours of Solo cross country one trip to be at least 150 nm, at least 50 nm away from Long Beach with landings at 3 points.
  • The 40 hour minimum requirement has been unchanged for almost 50 years.
  • 60 hours is a reasonable number of flight hours, if you start and continue training with consistency. The national average is 60-70 hours.

Materials including headset and testing fees – $2,000 (See Material Costs page for more detail)

Based on Prices as of April 1, 2022 (Prices may change without notification)